Play album/tracks as next

When you select a track or album you can choose to play it as the next track or album. This means the current track continues to play but the selected track will be the following to play, even when the track is not next in the playlist. This is done using an internal queue containing play next requests. See also Playlist overview.  Basically there are two kind of places where the play next request can be done:

When choosing play next from the playlist, the selected track is queued to play next.

When choosing play next from outside the playlist, the album or track should be added when not in playlist yet before it is queued to play next.  But even when the album or track is already in the playlist, the user might want to add the album anyhow. When enabled in the General 2 page of the preferences, a dialog is shown to choose if the album or tracks should be added anyhow. The dialog offers follwoing choices:

Only Add Tracks on "Play" or "Play Next" when not in Playlist
When albums or tracks are not in the playlist yet they are added on pressing play next.

Always add Tracks or Album on "Play" or "Play Next"
Albums or tracks are always added on pressing play next even when the album or track is already in the playlist.

Note: To determine if an album is already in the playlist, it is checked if the album is available in full with tracks in sequential order. Otherwise an album is considered not to be in the playlist yet.

A second dialog also might be shown when enabled in the General 2 page of the preferences. This dialog gives the option to enqueue the play next request or just save it is the only play next request. This setting is also available from the playlist options menu. Read more about this setting here Enqueue "Play Next" Requests.



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