General 2

In this preferences page you can do more general settings for the AlbumPlayer.

Recently Added Albums

Number of days in recently added collection
One of the dynamic collections to choose is the Recently Added collection. Specify here from how many days back is shown in this collection.

Filter Settings

Update filter results after each keystroke (min. 3 characters needed)
The filter results are automatically updated after each keystroke. There are minimal 3 characters necessary before automatic filtering takes place. If you disable this feature you have to press Enter to update the filter results.

Clear filter on closing filter entry panel
Set this option if you want to clear the filter field when the filter entry panel is closed.

Optional Dialogs

Here you can enable confirmation dialogs to appear when to confirm certain actions.

Show confirmation dialog when "Ban this Track" is pressed.
Set this option if you want a confirmation dialog to be shown optionally when the "Ban this Track" function is chosen. 

Show "Play Next mode" dialog when "Play Next" is pressed.
Set this option if you want the "Play Next mode" dialog to be shown optionally when "Play Next" is chosen either in album info window or in filter results. 

Show "Add Tracks mode" dialog when "Play" or "Play Next" is pressed.
Set this option if you want the "Add Tracks mode" dialog to be shown optionally when "Play" or "Play Next" is chosen either in album info window or in filter results. 

Scrolling Settings

Use Kinetic Scrolling in Grid and Playlist
When this option is set, the grid and playlist will scroll smoothly slowly speeding up and down. 

Center now playing track in center of Playlist
The playing track is centered vertically in the playlist (as long as there are enough tracks in the list to be able to center the track).

Scroll up/down steps in Album Grid and Playlist
This fields defines how many albums or lines are scrolled when the up/down buttons are used at the top/bottom of the scrollbar.

Graphical Smooth Transistions and Animations

Use Smooth Transistions 
Uncheck this option when your computer performance is low and can not handle smooth transistions in skin. Should restart AP or change Skin before the setting to take effect.

Enable Animations in Skins
Uncheck this option when your computer performance is low and can not handle animations available in some skins. Should restart AP or change Skin before the setting to take effect.

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