
In this preferences page you can set the Search options. Read more about Search functionality here: Search in collection

Search Input Field

Update filter results after each keystroke
The filter results are automatically updated after each keystroke. If you disable this feature you have to press Enter to update the filter results.

Clear search results on opening search view
Set this option if you want to clear the filter field when the filter entry panel is closed.


Define here in which collections search should take place.

Hide Collection Level and show contained Albums directly
The AP also search artist collections. It will show the artist on top level, to show the albums you should select the artist. Checking this option skips this step, all albums contained in the collections found, are shown directly in one view.

Search Criteria

When performing Album and Track search, it is possible to search on more than Title only. Additionaly you can search on Name and Comment and Filename (in case of track) . A seperation character seperate the fields. You can specify the seperation character here.

To search multiple criteria use the seperation character (in case of comma) as follows:

Note if you want for instance to seach on filename only, enter:  ,,,<filename>


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