
In this preferences page you can do settings related to video playback. The video playback is mainly focussed on the playback of video clips. To read more about video playback, its capabilties and about codecs, go here: Playing video clips

Video File Extensions

Enter here the video file extensions you want to look for. Note that the capabilty to playback these filetypes depends on the installed codecs you have.

Video Presentation Settings

Here you can set where the video playback will appear in the AlbumPlayer.

Set Video to fullscreen by default after AlbumPlayer is started
The first time video starts after AlbumPlayer has started it will play fullscreen. After that the AP will remember the user selected mode (fullscreen on/off) at each next video start.

Start the Slide Show on video start to present video in there
The video can also playback in the slide show. When this option is set, the slide show will automatically start on video start and the video will be shown in there. You can read more about the slide show here Image Viewer / Slide Show Note: When the video is set to fullscreen it overrides this setting.

Show video in Now Playing Area (force visibility)
When the video start in the Now Playing Area, some skins can hide the Now Playing Area. When this option is set and the Now Playing Area is hidden, it will be forced to show upon play.

Fullscreen Options

Prefered Monitor to play Fullscreen video:
The video will appear fullscreen on the specified monitor. When the monitor is not found it will default to monitor 1.

Fill the width of screen (cut off top/bottom of 3/4 video on 16/9 screen)
This option forces the video to fill the width of the screen. So when you have a 16/9 screen, the 3/4 videos will be zoomed to fit the whole screen. The top and bottom will cut off in that case.

Video Renderer

You can choose your video renderer here. Both are based on DirectShow. The Standard renderer is highly recommended because it is stable. But it has a disadvantage that it can only playback over the default audio device. The xVideo can play over other audio device too, but has several issues. It also is unable to crossfade the audio.



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