Playlist and Player

In this preferences page you can set the Player and Playlist options.

General Playlist Options

Auto Play when First Track in Playlist
Set this option when you want the AlbumPlayer to start to play automatically a track or albums is added to an empty playlist.

Don't Accept Duplicate Tracks
Set this option when you want to prevent that duplicate tracks appear in the playlist

Clear all Tracks except the Playing Track on Clear Playlist
Set this option when you don't want to clear the playing track when the clear playlist is pressed. All other tracks are just normally cleared. If you press the button a second time within 3 seconds then also the playing track is deleted.

Auto Removal

Auto Remove Track after Playing
Set this option when you want the track automatically removed from the playlist when the track finished playing

Auto Remove Track on Skip
Set this option when you want the track automatically removed from the playlist when the track is skipped

Play (Next) Behavior

Enqueue "Play Next" Requests
Set this option if you want to put "Play Next" requests in a queue. The AlbumPlayer will first play the tracks from the queue before turning back to normal playing order. So even when shuffle is on, first queued tracks are played. The queue can be cleared if you like from the playlist menu. See also Clear All "Play Next" Requests

  • Enqueue is on - Each play next request is queued to the other. The track which would be next at the moment the first play next request was queued is remembered as the return track. The order of execution of tracks to play next is marked in the playlist with [1],[2],[3].... The [R] marks the track to return back to.
  • Enqueue is off - The track to play next is marked with [1]. No return track is marked. This option is useful when you just want to choose a track to play next and start playing further from that position in the playlist, but doesn't want to abort current playing track.

Only Add Tracks on "Play (Next)" when not in Playlist
Set this option if you want tracks only to be added on a "Play" or "Play Next" when not in the playlist already. This is relevant when an album or track is chosen from the grid, album information panel (booklet in default skin) or filter result list. When the option is off, tracks are always added to the playlist even when already available in the playlist. If this option is on, the following scenarios can happen:

  • Option is on and one or more tracks are selected - The AlbumPlayer goes through the list of selected tracks checking if a track is already in the playlist. If not, then the track is added.
  • Option is on and an album is selected - The AlbumPlayer goes through the list of selected tracks checking if the complete album with tracks in correct order is already in the playlist. If not, then the full album is added even when some of the album tracks are in the playlist already.

See also: Play tracks and Play tracks as next.

Player and Playlist Context Saving

Save Repeat
Repeat setting is saved when the AlbumPlayer is closed.

Save Crossfade
Crossfade setting is saved when the AlbumPlayer is closed.

Save Shuffle
Shuffle setting is saved when the AlbumPlayer is closed. This includes the database shuffle settings too.

Save Playlist
Playlist is saved when the AlbumPlayer is closed including the position of playing and the playing mode (start, stop, pause).


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