Album editor

Use the album editor to complete data album data in detail.

Album Type and Appearance

Choose the album type here

  • Album
  • Track Collection
  • Web Radio

Set to Album when creating a regular music album as at appears on a CD.

Set to Track Collection if you want to create a user collection instead of an album. If set, the AlbumPlayer will use Replay Gain values per track instead that one value is used for the whole album. See also Equalizer and Replay Gain.

Set to Web Radio when you want to make a collection of radio statios. In that case web radio links are added to the track list of the album instead of tracks. 

Show As
Specify here how the album should be visiualised in the album grid. You can choose from the following

  • CD Case
  • Vinyl Sleeve
  • Collection
  • Radio


Handle album always as one track list
Set this option if you want to manage multiple CD's of ane album in one track list. If not set, the AlbumPlayer keeps CD's of an album as separate track lists. You can switch between the CD's below the track list part of the album editor.



Album Artist and Title

Artist Name
Enter the artist name here

Album Name
Enter the album name here

Add Artist / Edit Artist
This button is named Add Artist or Edit Artist depending if the artist is not part or already part of the artist database. When pressing the button the Artist editor is opened for that artist. If the artist was not yet in the artist database, it will be added.

Artist Database
The Artist database editor is opened.

Tab Page: Cover

In this tab page you can load or remove a cover and cut off dirty edges with a crop function. The cover will be saved in the database using the original image resolution.

Opens a file dialog to look for an image on disk.

Use this button to paste an image which you copied from an internet page for example.

Removes the cover.

Google Image
Starts an internet browser and opens an images page using an album search command. Click an image which you like to use, so you have it in full size. Then copy this image and paste it in the album editor.

Select an area of the cover using the mouse. Then press crop, so white, black or dirty edges can be removed.

Clear selection
Clears the crop rectangle.

Resets the image to full size again after cropping. This is only possible when the album is not saved to the database yet.

Tab page: More Images

At this page you can start an images dialog to select additional images for the album like an image of the CD itself or the back of the album. The images can be stored in the database but it is also possible to only store the reference to the image. This can be useful when you only want to keep the additional images in the album directory and not have them copied to the database. The images are shown in the album info. If you want to add artist images, better use the artist editor.

Tab page: Album attributes

Fill album related attributes here. In the Styles and Tones fields you can enter multiple values separated by a comma. The language field can also contain the value <artist language>. This means that the language used on the album is the same as the one you entered for the artist in the artist database

Tab page: Track attributes

Fill track related attributes here for the selected track. If the name of the track artist in the Artist field exactly matches the name of the album artist, then <album artist> is shown instead of the artist name. Advantage is that when you want to adjust the album artist name you don't have to adjust the track artist name. The same applies for the Composer, Conductor and Orchestra fields. The language field can also contain the value <artist language>. This means that the language used on the album is the same as the one you entered for the artist in the artist database

Tab page: Other

This field is about album caching. The function can be considered as obsolete since, album collections are on hard disk these days instead of separate CD's.

Album info, Track info and Cover Lookup

In the drop down list first choose a lookup resource. Yoe can choose from the following resources:

  • Directory and Filename
    Reads album and track information from the directory and filenames. Use the settings button to define the tags to read from the names. 
  • Tags
    Reads album, cover and track information from the tags from the track files.
  • Cover in Directory
    Reads a cover from the album directory. Use the settings button to define the image to look for.
    Reads album, cover and track information from 
  • freedb
    Reads album and track information from freedb. 
    Reads cover(s) from

After choosing the lookup type, there is an Auto Lookup and/or a Manual Search button shown. The appearance of these buttons depends on the lookup type.

Auto Lookup
Using the button, the AlbumPlayer fully automatically tries to locate album information.

Manual Search
Using the button, user interaction is needed. This means that the user itself has to browse to the correct information to get to the page of the proper album data. This applies to freedb only.

After the lookup process is finished (either auto or manual), each song list result of a lookup process is put in this results list. Album information overwrites existing album data. To prevent overwriting album values go to the Album info page of the preferences dialog.


This list contains the tracks of the album. When the album consists of multiple CD's, the track list consists of tab pages with the tabs below the list. Uncheck the tracks when tracks should not copied to playlist by default. This applies to album selection and to the Auto DJ (Database Shuffle / Direct Play). Tracks will also be unchecked when using the Ban this track button in the Player bar.

Hide Pathnames
Set this option if you only want to see the track filename listed instead of the full path

Add Tracks (in case of album or track list)
Use this button to add tracks. A file dialog is opened from where you can select the tracks to add.

Add Station (in case of web radio)
Use this button to add a web radio station link. A dialog is opened from where you can add a link to a radio station. Example links are:

The reorganise button is only visible when lookup source AMG is used (not in demo version). The AlbumPlayer will try to order the tracks according the lookup results on the right side table. This is based on naming and track length.

Track Title Lookup Results

After the lookup process is finished song results are put in this results list, you can manually evaluate the results. You can reorder tracks by drag and drop.

Press this button to copy the results to the track list at the left. First check if each title in the result area matches a track in the tracklist at the same line. The results are copied then to the track list at the right. When pressing the button, you get a drop down list from which you can also choose to copy only a specific attribute.

Delete Unmatched
Deletes the tracks from the lookup result table that do not match the tracks at the left side table.


Modify Picklists
This button opens the preferences dialog at the Picklist pages. From there you can modify the picklists shown for some album or track attributes.

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