
In the preferences actions page it is possible to define the actions on AlbumPlayer elements. You can switch between two profiles at this page. One is the mouse mode profile and the other is the touch screen profile. For each profile a different set of action settings is saved. So you can switch from mouse mode to touch screen mode with only one click.

Use Mouse Mode Profile
Selecting this profile loads settings of the Mouse Mode profile

Use Touch Mode Profile
Selecting this profile loads settings of the Touch Mode profile

Actions in Album Grid

Here you can set what should be done when clicking or ctrl-clicking cover areas in the album grid at the main page. There are two click areas, the album cover, the info text below the cover. You can choose to have actions activated on single or double click. The single click mode is better suited for touch screens.

For each action you can choose from the next list:

  • No Action
  • Add Album to Playlist
  • Remove Album from Playlist
  • Toggle Add/Remove to/from Playlist
  • Play Album
  • Clear Playlist and Play Album
  • Show Album Info (Booklet)
  • Show AMG Page
  • Go to Album Collection of Artist
  • Edit Album

Actions on tracks in Info window and Filtered track results

Here you can set what should be done when clicking or ctrl-clicking tracks in the album info (booklet) or in the filter result overview. You can choose to have actions activated on single or double click. Selecting single click is not recommended because this interferes with the ability to select tracks since the predefined action will be executed immediatly. Also direct rating from Info Window is disabled when single click is selected.

For each action you can choose from the next list:

  • No Action
  • Add Track to Playlist
  • Remove Track from Playlist
  • Toggle Add/Remove to/from Playlist
  • Play Track
  • Enqueue Track
  • Clear Playlist and Play Track

Actions on tracks in Playlist

A click or double-click on a track in the playlist always starts the track to play. Selecting single click for playlist is highly not recommended because this interferes with the ability to select tracks and executing a command for that selection since the track will play immediatly.

Track selection behavior

Join new selection with existing selection (Recommended in Touch Mode)
This option is intended for touch screen users. When this option is enabled you can select multiple tracks without holding the ctrl-key. To deselect tracks click the track once more, or use a deselect button to deselect all tracks at once.

On-Screen Keyboard Appearance

Auto show on-screen keyboard (upon show filter, party mode key etc.).
The built-in on-screen keyboard appears when filter panel is shown ot the party mode or save playlist dialog is shown.

Auto hide on-screen keyboard (upon show filter, party mode key etc.).
The built-in on-screen keyboard is hidden when filter panel is hidden ot the party mode or save playlist dialog is hidden.

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