Show artist info

The album info consists of 3 pages.

Page 1 - Artist Albums

The first page shows all the albums available in the AlbumPlayer for that artist. By default the grouping is based on album type. In this way there is a good seperation for Studio albums, Live albums, Singles etc.  If an artist is part of a multiple artist collection album it is listed in this overview as album type Appears On.  

Page 2 - Artist Detail

The second page shows artist info and a biography. The biography is automatically read from wikipedia. You can add artist information including images with the Artist editor, which can be started by pressing the edit artist button at the lower-right corner. The bottom buttons activate links to artist related websites. The homepage link is only available when one is entered in the artist editor. The myspace,, AMG, Wiki links are generated links and should not necessarily work.

Page 3 - Artist Images

The third page shows artist images. You can add artist images with the Artist editor, which can be started by pressing the edit artist button at the lower-right corner. 


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