Database locations on disk

This help topic gives information about the file locations of the AlbumPlayer. It also discusses the old file locations before adjustments were made for Vista so people know how to update from this older version.  Current version uses the same file locations as V4.8.

The AlbumPlayer V4.8 is updated in such a way that users having existing installation in XP and older OS, should not have to do anything (except when using the -personal option, which is slightly improved). Action should be taken when moving to Vista.

Old Situation BEFORE V4.8

The AlbumPlayer is installed by default in c:\Program Files\AlbumPlayer in the following structure (concerning the relevant files and dirs)

C:\Program Files\AlbumPlayer\  (dir) 
     AlbumPlayer.ini           (file with configuration) 
     UserData\                 (dir) 
         Albums.mdb            (file containing database ex. covers)    
         Covers\               (dir with covers) 
         Eqpresets\            (dir with equalizer presets) 
         Playlists\            (dir with playlists) 
         Autocuepresets\       (dir with Auto DJ presets)

When using the -personal option, AlbumPlayer.ini is stored in

XP:     C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\My Documents
Vista:  C:\Users\<UserName>\Documents

Default situation in V4.8 and newer versions 

The AlbumPlayer program is installed in c:\Program Files\AlbumPlayer\

Database data is stored by default in:

     AlbumPlayer.ini (file with configuration) 
     Albums.mdb      (file containing database ex. covers)    
     Covers\         (dir with covers) 
     Eqpresets\      (dir with equalizer presets) 
     Playlists\      (dir with playlists) 
     Autocuepresets\ (dir with Auto DJ presets)

Global settings (registration key, and path to userdata) are always stored in:

XP:     C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\AlbumPlayer
Vista:  C:\ProgramData\AlbumPlayer\ 
             Global.ini      (file with global configuration)

When using the -personal option, AlbumPlayer.ini, Playlists and AutocuePresets are stored in

XP:     C:\Documents and Settings\<UserName>\Local Settings\Application Data
Vista:  C:\Users\<UserName>\AppData\Local 
             AlbumPlayer.ini (file with configuration) 
             Playlists\      (dir with playlists) 
             Autocuepresets\ (dir with Auto DJ presets)

Installing V4.8 over existing installations in XP

When installing V4.8 over existing installation it will look for the existence of the UserData directory containing albums.mdb file. If existing it will set the data path to this directory. Automatically the AlbumPlayer.ini file will be moved from program files to the data directory.

In case -personal option is used, the ALbumPlayer.ini is moved from my documents to the personal application data directory.

Moving to Vista (using AlbumPlayer V4.8 or higher)

Backup your UserData directory of your existing installation and restore the contents of UserData on a location on your computer with Vista. Example destination path is:


When you install the AlbumPlayer V4.8 and start it for the first time, it asks to create a new database, or to reference to an existing one. Just put the path to the existing one, you should see in the window it detects the database. Then click OK.

Important note:

When moving from XP to Vista on the same machine (for instance when you have a dual boot system). Make sure the rights for the user data directory are set correctly. You can set the correct user rights yourself of course, but if you don't know how to do it, it is also possible first to move the userdata directory to an USB stick and then move it back. Or first zip and then unzip. Doing this you automatically get the correct rights because the original security settings are lost when zipping files or when moving to usb and new ones are created when placing it back. When rights are not set correctly the following can happen:

1. In c:\AlbumPlayerData, you get write errors
2. In c:\ProgramData\AlbumPlayer, you don't get write errors but updates are stored in a Virtual Store directory located in your personal directory. This gives unexpected in undesirable results because your data will be spread over two file locations.

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